Monday, 11 February 2013

My Yankee Candle Collection Part 1

Monday, 11 February 2013

Now, I don't know about anyone else but I love candles. I don't know where it came from, just decided a year or so ago 'hey i want a candle' so what did I do? Didn't go looking  for cheap options, no. I went full steam ahead and ended up a Yankee Candle store. I know how expensive they are and some people think that spending £10-£20 on something you literally burn is ridiculous. But y'know...I decided that among beauty things, Yankee Candles are probably my second love so what a great way to start my proper first post and show you all. As I regally read a lot of blogs and I swear Yankee Candles often seem so unloved in the blogging society. So here goes my Yankee candle Collection...

So first up is Chocolate Bunnies in a large jar, this is my newest one to my ever-growing collection and limited edition for easter. It's a chocolate candle. Need I say more? And this candle cost £18.99 and has a burn time off around 150 hours or so. I have yet to burn through a large jar candle so maybe this time is less or more, I don't really know. But what I do know about this candle is that the throw and the scent of this candle is amazing and to be quite honest with this candle i'm not even sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I was happily burning this candle (with a cold) when my dad came home from work and asked have I been making a million hot chocolates. That ladies and gentleman is the scent description  hot chocolate. It makes your house smell of hot chocolate and it's powerful stuff. While it is nice, I'm not too sure how often I'll burn it as hot chocolate fumes around the house isn't something I aim for.

The second candle is Black Coconut and this is in a tumbler form. Lets start off by saying I love all things coconut. You name it, i'll want it. I never got my hands on trying their previous coconut range so I was so excited when 2013 meant a new coconut line. And it smells amazing, it's not full on coconut it does have some fresh scent in there too but I think it's amazing. The throw is pretty good and it does drift around the house. This is probably one of the favs!

Next up is Creamy Caramel in tumbler form again, and I love this. It has been discontinued so I'm not too sure if you will be able to get your hands on it. But if you do, I really recommend if you are a fan of sweet food scents as it really does smell of sugar and caramel. And the throw is amazing as well.

The last one is cranberry ice which is in tumbler form again... Now I adore this candle. Cranberry is probably one of my favorite scents and I just love it. It is from Christmas 2012 collection, so you may not be able to pick it up again for awhile but hey. Like with most Yankee candles the throw is really good and it really does make the house smell warm and fruity. I think the ice part does make it a bit of a fresh smell but overall it's just a lovely cranberry scent. And if you can't pick one of  these up in the sale there are other cranberry scents in the Yankee Candle range like Cranberry chutney and cranberry mandarin so I recommend checking them out.

So here are the first 4 candles in my collection. (: I hope you liked my post and my next post will be of the beauty things. Probably my mac collection or a recent haul. Please feel free to follow me.

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1 comment :

Anonymous said...

great blog :)

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